Here are very approximate calculations of expenses you will face during the application process and also expenses that occur in order to get to your cruise ship and start working.
Please, it is very important to remember that these numbers are very approximate and depends on cruise company and your destination.
Marlins test – 20 Euros
Visa – from 160 Euros
Medical examination – from 72 Euro
Insurance – 60-80 Euros
Sea certificates – 150-300 Euros
Plain ticket – Around 1000 Euros
Note that you do not pay an employment fee to our Agency. There can not be any charge for job interview or job offer payable to us or to any third parties. Cruise companies outline their Fees Policy according to the International Maritime Conventions (MLC2006) stressing that there should be no fees charged to obtain a job.
*You may need to get certain services that are not directly connected with obtaining employment but can help you to meet the requirments and successfully get needed documents. Such services are for example translations, typing, visa expediate service, assistance in obtaining documents, mailing services, English language courses, trainings on successful job interview, professional training etc. All additional services that we provide are available in our price list that we distribute to each applicant signing service agreement with our Agency. Note that such services must be voluntarely obtained. Thus we encourage our applicants to discuss the fees and expenses with us if any questions and report to us when any payments are due to third parties in exchange for employment.