Work on board usually lasts six to nine months followed by six to ten weeks’ vacation. Although such employment form is called contractual, the job on board may become your permanent work place. Your contract will be constantly renewed by the employer if you perform well and would be willing to continue working for the company. Cruise companies sign contract / crew agreement with each employee either before joining the ship or upon arrival on board the ship. Crew agreement outlines crew member’s salary and all other work and life on board terms and conditions. Collective bargaining agreement (CBA) may also be available on board as an integral part of crew agreement.


Crew members work 7 days a week providing excellent service to cruise ship guests all year long. Different duties are carried only when the vessel is on planned refurbishments or quick repairs. Daily smooth service is ensured by department Managers who create work schedules for all crew on board every cruise. Depending on department – there are morning, afternoon, evening or even night shifts. You may be assigned few shifts a day as well, but they will definitely include decent breaks for meal and rest. You may work different shifts and various number of hours each day, but in average it should not make more than 70 hours of work per week. In case of sickness, Ship’s doctor is authorized to sign a sick leaflet, during which you will have to stay in your cabin and follow doctors instructions.


Salary is paid twice a month and usually it is being transferred to the bank card provided by the cruise company (for example OceanPay system). Depending on cruise company you may also get part of your salary in cash or forward it to your family bank account in your home country. You will be paid in the currency indicated in your Crew Agreement and usually it is USD, whereas some cruise companies may pay crew in Euro or British Pounds.


Crew accommodation on board the ship depend on the rank and the available ship facilities. Usually 2-4 people of same gender share one cabin, and you may be assigned a roommate of any nationality, race or religion. During the contract you may switch cabins with your colleagues of the same department in case there are empty spots. Usually crew cabins are located in the lower decks and are inside cabins with no windows / portholes. You will be very limited in storage space as cabins are rather small, however there will be all basic things such as bulk beds (one above the other), shower/toilet, phone, TV, closet and desk. Accommodation is free of charge for crew, but they have to observe cabin rules related to hygiene and safety at all times.


Food is free of charge for crew members on board in crew canteen (mess room), and it is served many times a day so that every shift could have meals during their breaks. As there are many nationalities on board, the food is usually international, however may be sometimes more suited for Asian crew. You can not keep perishable food in your cabin but you can bring drinks and snacks from ashore. But do not forget that drinks and snacks in the crew bar are available for purchase with good discounts.


Even though most of the service personnel are not allowed to the passenger areas (except their working area), there are gyms, sunbathing areas, dining rooms, bars, computer rooms, and other recreation facilities for crew on board. Some of them are free of charge, whereas there are also some paid services that you can get with good discounts such as goods at Duty Free shops, Wi-Fi, drinks at crew bar, hair cut or manicure at ship’s spa during certain hours. There are a lot of interesting things happening apart from hard work as crew welfare representatives organize all kinds of activities for crew such as shore excursions, crew parties, sport competitions, costume parties, birthday parties, international dinners, etc.


Most of cruise companies have paid access to the Internet. There are so called internet cafes on board the ship where you pay for minutes. However, some of the companies may offer free access to Wi-Fi on board.
There are also Internet Cafes available in ports of call, sometimes even close to the pier, especially for the convenience of the crew.


Crew members can go outside during their time-off hours. Depending on the itinerary the ship may stay in port several hours during day time, and sometimes even overnight. Thus, taking into account your work schedule, in each port you may have different time to go ashore. You can go on organized tours (usually free or with crew discounts) or just wander around. You may choose to go to the beach or shopping, but in any case go only if you definitely have time to get back in time. Your ship will not wait for you if you are late, and you may lose a lot of money to catch her in another port at your own expense, and you may even lose your job if the reason of you missing the ship will not be weighty.


You are allowed to smoke only in designated for crew members areas during your work breaks or free time. It is forbidden to smoke in any other areas on board.


All cruise ship employees have to attend safety meetings and lifeboat/fire drills, where they learn how to rescue their own and passengers’ lives in case of emergency. Safety is always number one priority on board, thus not attending safety training will result in losing your job.


The cruise companies employ multinational crew that vary in their beliefs, skin color, and traditions. When working on board people from different countries and of different genders have equal opportunities. Any discrimination, harassment, or persecution is strictly forbidden. Every crew member, that notices or experiences any kind of discrimination, is responsible for reporting the case to the immediate supervisor or to the person in charge of harassment cases investigation.


We cannot guarantee that a couple will be assigned to the one ship on their first contract. Later on, during your work on board, there is an opportunity to request it.


The cruise company covers crew medical insurance meaning that all needed medical services except beauty and dental surgeries will be covered in case you get sick or injured during the contract. If your disease is serious and can not be quickly treated, the cruise company will also pay your ticket home and compensate your medical treatment expenses until you become fit for duty to continue employment on board or reach maximum medical improvement.


Depending on cruise company crew members may get free uniform items on board, but also my need to purchase some items before they join. In case certain uniform items are available to purchase on board then the cost of such uniform will be deducted from the first salary.Uniform items that were provided must be returned at the end of the contract. The employees can do their laundry on board for small fee, however uniform items are usually being cleaned free of charge.