Как распознать мошенников?
- Если какое-либо агентство обещает вам, что вы получите работу сразу же после оплаты услуг, будьте уверенны, что это – мошенники. Кандидаты ждут своих контрактов на протяжении нескольких месяцев.
- Помните! Официальные представители круизных компаний не берут денег за участие в собеседованиях с работодателем!
- В случае, если агентство использует публичные почтовые аккаунты как gmail.com, не всегда, но, возможно, также стоит присмотреться.
- ВСЕГДА проверяйте, есть ли агентство в списке официальных представителей (hiring partners) на официальных сайтах круизных компаний.
Список известных мошенников
Прежде чем трудоустраиваться на круизный лайнер через агентство, советуем вам ознакомиться со списком известных мошенников:
- Aftermath Shipping GH Ltd (Ghana)
- Agora Global Holdings (Malaysia)
- AIDA Cruises and Construction UK
- Amble Boat Company (USA)
- American Cruise Ship Corporation (Canada, www.americancruiseline.s5.com)
- Apex Cruise (UK)
- ApolloShips – International Cruise Services Inc
- Arfha International (India)
- Ausi Cruise Line (Malaysia)
- Australia Cruise Line International Corporation
- Australia Crystal Cruise (not to be mistaken with Crystal Cruises)
- Australasian Cruise Line International (Malaysia)
- Avalon Cruise Services (Canada)
- Azura Cruises UK (United Kingdom)
- Ballet Online Job Company (Russia)
- Baltic Tourist Shipping Line (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Blue Sea Cruise, Blue Sea Cruises International (USA)
- Blue Sea Shipping Company (Ghana)
- Canadian Cruise Shipping (Canada and Malaysia)
- Capt. Dorris Morgan ([email protected]) – pretending to be from Amble Boat Company (United Kingdom)
- Capt. David Phillip ([email protected]) – pretending to be from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
- Captains Shipping Line (Ghana)
- Caribbean Princess Cruises (UK)
- Carnival Seven Seas Cruise Line (Canada, Bermuda, Europe)
- Celebrity.BS VIP Recluting (USA)
- Centro Maritimo Panama ([email protected])
- Coaster Shipping Company London (UK, UAE, etc.)
- Cool Jobs At Sea (Oceana International) (Canada)
- Crown Cruise Liners, Crown Cruiseliners International (Malaysia)
- Cruise Canadian Line (Malaysia)
- Cruise Careers (Wyoming Canada)
- Cruise Critic (tel. +44 703 596 7371, not to be mistaken with www.cruisecritic.co.uk)
- Cruise Information Center UK Ltd (United Kingdom)
- Cruise International (New Brunswick Canada)
- Cruise Line International (Malaysia)
- Cruise Services International (United Kingdom)
- Cruise Services Unlimited
- Cruise Ship Centers International (San Francisco USA)
- Cruise Ship Jobs London (United Kingdom)
- Cruise Ship Jobs Online (www.cruisejob1.com, Canada)
- Cruise Shipping Line (Canada)
- Crystal Cruise Line (www.crystalcrline.com) – not to be mistaken for Crystal Cruises (www.crystalcruises.com)
- Crystal Cruise Line Australia
- Cruise Ship Service Line Canada (Canada, Malaysia)
- All job offers on Crew File (www. crewfile .com)
- Cruiseship Global Canada, Cruise Ship Global Canada (Canada, Malaysia)
- CruiseQueenliner Cruise Queenliner (Malaysia)
- CTG Group London, Capt Terry Smith (United Kingdom) – not to be mistaken for CTI Group
- Cunard River Cruise Line, Cunnard Cruises Lines (not to be mistaken for Cunard Line, www.cunard.com)
- Dimeo Shipping (Philippines, United Kingdom)
- Dolphin Ship Management (San Marino)
- Dublin Cruise Line Management
- Elite-Staffs.com, Expertassist, EUjobinvest, Fileassist, Careers-Peak.com (United Kingdom)
- Express Cruise Tourist Shipping Lines (Canada, Malaysia)
- Express Cruises and Shipping Company, M.V.Custavia (Ghana, United Kingdom, Australia)
- Fleewing International (California USA)
- Fresh Princess Cruise Lines
- Fresh Princess Cruises UK Limited (United Kingdom)
- Frontline Consulting London (Ghana, United Kingom)
- Geoluxary Cruise Lines Int., Geoluxury Cruise Lines (Malaysia)
- Getaway Abroad (Angola, South Africa, USA, United Kingdom)
- Global Arrow Shipping Line (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Global Cruise Shipping Services (Canada, USA)
- Global Cruise Lines International
- Global Sea Shipping Line (Scotland, Ghana)
- Globe Star Shipping pvt. ltd. (Australia)
- Gold Coast Shiping Campany (United Kingdom)
- Goldline Shipping Ltd Cruise Ship Agency
- Goldline Shipping Cruise Ship Personnel
- Green Cruises, Green Cruise Line
- Greenline Consults (Roland Botson, Mark Kyle) (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Hawks Marine Cruises International (Canada)
- Highsea Shipping Line (Scotland, Ghana)
- HRD Norwegian Cruise Line (this is not the Norwegian Cruise Line – NCL)
- Indonatics (India)
- Infinity Cruise Lines International (Malaysia)
- INIT Manpower (Malaysia)
- Intercontinental Spirit Ship (Ghana)
- Intercontinental Cruises Company London (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- International Cruise Ship Recruiters
- International Seamen Agency Services (UK, Nigeria)
- International Transition Abroad – The New Era (South Africa, United Kingdom, USA)
- IRG Recruitment Agency & Traveling Consultancy Inc. (USA)
- IRG UK – The Independent Recruiting Group (United Kingdom)
The Independent Recruiting Group
- Ivory Arrow Shipping (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Jdak Cruises and Shipping (Ghana)
- JoJo Cruise UK
- All job offers on Jobs on Luxury Yachts (www. jobsonluxuryyachts .com)
- K-shipping, Kingdom Shipping GH Ltd (Ghana)
- Kings of Oceans Cruiseliners
- Kiwi-Ocean Shipping Line (Scotland, New Zealand, Taiwan)
- Lincoln Royal Cruises (United Kingdom)
- LSC Cruises & Engineering (www. lsccruises. co.uk, United Kingdom)
- Luxury Cruise Company (UK)
- Malaysia Crystal Cruises (Malaysia, United Kingdom)
- Malaysian Canadian Caribbean Line Cruises (Malaysia)
- Mariposa Cruise Line (Malaysia), not to be mistaken with Mariposa Cruises (Canada) which is a legit company
- Marks and Silogar Consulting (United Kingdom, Ghana)
- Maydott Cruiseline International (Malaysia)
- Midway Cruise Company
- Minister Travel Agency / MTA (United Kingdom)
- Mutus Cruises (Malaysia)
- Natra Cruising Company (Ghana)
- New World Cruise Ship Employment Agency (Canada)
- Noryannah Binti Rohman & Co (Malaysia)
- Oax Rectruitment
- Ocean International Cruises (United Kingdom)
- Ocean Village Cruises (Malaysia)
- Oceana International (Canada)
- Oceania Cruise Line, Oceania Cruise Company (oceania-cruises.org, Malaysia, United Kingdom)
- Oceania Cruise Line International (Australia)
- Oceania-cruiseline.com (Australia)
- Pacific Cruise Corporation (USA)
- Pacific International Shipping Line (United Kingdom, Ghana)
- Pacific Ocean Cruiseline (USA)
- Pacific West Liners (USA)
- Pacific West Cruises (United Kingdom)
- Pan American Cruise Corporation (Berverly Hills USA)
- Pandayan Sevenseas Manpower Recruitment Services (India)
- Pentagon Cruise (Malaysia)
- Port Side (Canada)
- Presidency Cruise (United Kingdom)
- Princess Mariana Company
- Prolific Partnerships Limited (United Kingdom)
- Queens Cruise (United Kingdom)
- Ramos Cruises Inc., Ramos Cruise Shipping Company Inc. (USA)
- Rave Cruises UK
- Recruiting Yacht Club (United Kingdom)
- Rim Silver
- Rocket Ship Cruiseline (United Kingdom)
- Royal Atlantic Star Cruise Line (United Kingdom)
- Royal Caribbean Global Hiring Network ([email protected])
- Royal Cruise Corporation of Canada
- Royal Cruising Hospitality (India)
- Royal Cruiseliner, Royal Cruise Liner, Royal Cruise Line Inc. (Malaysia, Canada)
- Royal Festival Cruises International
- Royal Ocean Village Cruise International (Malaysia, United Kingdom)
- Royal Victoria Cruise Ship Lines (Canada)
- Royal Village Cruise London
- Rubens Cruise (United Kingdom, Switzerland)
- Salsa Cruise (Malaysia)
- San Marino Shipping (San Marino)
- Sea Cruise Enterprises (Canada, India)
- Sea Dream Liner Yacht Club (United Kingdom)
- Sea Master Cruises (Malaysia)
- SM Cruises (Malaysia)
- Sea Wave Cruise Liner (Malaysia)
- Sealife Crewing Recruitment & Traveling Consultancy Ltd (United Kingdom, USA)
- Sealife Crewing Services
- Sealink Shipping Company Limited (United Kingdom, Ghana)
- Seamen Energy Contruction Company
- Seek Work Consulting (United Kingdom, Ghana)
- Sherri’s Employment, Sherri’s Tourist Shipping Line (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Shipping Planet (Malaysia)
- Silver Coast Shipping Company (Malaysia)
- Silver Crown Cruises (United Kingdom)
- Sea 2 Sky – India Human Resource (India)
- Skylines Cruise International (Malaysia)
- Staff 4 Cruise (Australia, staff4cruise DOT com)
- Starboard Crewing Manning & Recruitment Agency ([email protected])
- Starboard Crewing Recruitment & Traveling Consultancy Inc
- Star Cruise (India) – not to be mistaken for Star Cruises
- Star Cruise Line (Brasil) – not to be mistaken for Star Cruises
- Starcruise (Malaysia) – not to be mistaken for Star Cruises
- Starline Cruises (Malaysia) – not to be mistaken for Star Cruises
- Sunborn Yacht Hotel (UK)
- Sunset Cruise (www.sunset – cruise.net & sunset – cruise.uk.com)
- The New Era – International Transition Abroad (South Africa, United Kingdom, USA)
- Touchline Marine Cruises International (Canada, Malaysia)
- Transways Logistics (Malaysia)
- Velta Express Shipping Line (Ghana, United Kingdom)
- Victoria Cruise Ship Lines
- Vigo Cruises (Malaysia)
- Viking Maritime – Crewing, Recruitment & Traveling Consultancy Inc. (Guernsey, United Kingdom)
- Voyage Blue Sea Cruises International USA
- Voyages Cruise Shipping (UK)
- Wet Cruise Line, Wet Cruises (French Polynesia)
- World Cruize (Malaysia, United Kingdom)
- Xprex Shipping Company Limited UK (Bristol, United Kingdom)