Роскошный загородный клуб на берегу океана в Веро-Бич, штат Флорида, нанимает международных работников департамента Food & Beverage для работы с октября 2019 года по апрель / май 2020 года в рамках визовой программы H-2B.
John’s Island Club – эксклюзивный частный клуб, расположенный в Веро-Бич – на восточном побережье Флориды. На территории имеются гольф поля, теннис, рестораны и банкетные залы, которые потрясают своим превосходством. John’s Island Club стремятся предложить своим клиентам первоклассное обслуживание во всех областях. Каждый год представители компании приезжают в Клайпеду для отбора лучших из лучших!

Условия работы, срок контракта, рабочее расписание.
Убедись, что ты подходишь по всем требованиям работодателя. Внимание, опыт работы необязателен!
Ознакомься, с какими затратами ты столкнешься. Помни, что сразу всю сумму оплачивать не придется!

“First wanted to say thank you to you all for this opportunity to work in John’s island club. 7 weeks ago, I arrived to Florida, Orlando and started my journey in United States and in John’s Island Club. Of course my hopes were high but didn’t except much, less disappointment later.But I didn’t know.. I didn’t know how perfect is John’s Island’s management, how cool will be my coworkers, how much fun I will have on duty. I didn’t know I will find a new family, new best friend and so many new people in my life. We are working approximately 35 hours in a week, we have fine dining, beach bar, beach club and ocean view every day. Most of the “islanders” are living together in one residential complex, I live in one apartment with Ukrainian girl, Croatian girl, couple from Serbia and another Estonian, to and from work we have shuttle service, completely free. All the meals are provided and tastes delicious! Our first week was full of trainings, a lot of information and new faces. Second and third week we were working under someone, every day new teachers who were returners from previous seasons. Every single one of them taught me something new and interesting. On fourth week they pushed us to the water and asked to swim, first time tables on our own, nobody didn’t cover, first chit-chat conversations with the members. Funny how difficult it looked back then. Today we have been 3 weeks on our own and I wouldn’t be happier. Members are so nice, management is taking care of us and Florida sunshine is worth dying for. We have plenty of free time to discover the Florida. Of course we have crazy busy days at work also, specially the holidays but I really enjoy every day in here”.